This page provides the latest information about Edit2 and updates to the "Let's try Edit2" web page.
[Bug fix in progress]:
Legacy Mode
- Some Shortcut Keys [Especially "Open" (Ctrl + "O" key)]
- Replace Function (Especially "Replace all")
Modern Mode
- The Input function itself (Checking with Developer)
[Unimplemented features]:
Legacy Mode
- All functions except "Style(s)" in "Settings" (i.e. "Themes" and "Editor Text/Background Color")
Modern Mode
- Find and Replace Function
- All functions except "Style(s)" in "Settings" (i.e. "Themes" and "Editor Text/Background Color")
*Please note: Currently, the developer has configured these buggy features of the editor
so that users cannot use them.
[New Features]:
1. Spell checker [PC version, Browser: Chrome/Microsoft Edge(Bing)]
Watch the following video.
This page will be updated as needed.